Homepage of Ability One Group, Denmark

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Ability coaching and processing services

in person, by phone and via Skype.



Our aim is to produce practical results for our clients in the realms of life and spirituality. The emphasis is on dissolving emotional pain, self-limiting decisions and repressed impulses - a necessity in the process of developing ability, insight and awareness that can be directly translated into better, more productive and harmonic lives for our clients. Specifically:

  Relief from stress and trauma

  Improved communications skills

  Better at problem solving

  Freedom from past conflicts and upsets

  Ability to do new things

  Improved health and vitality

  Personal development of ability and character

Globally available without travelling expenses!

Where are we?

In Copenhagen, Denmark!

Central European Time (CET)


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Who are we? These people:

Rolf Dane
Senior Developer of DEEP Clearing


Heidrun Beer
DEEP Co-Developer; Clearer; Trainer



Read more about the core members of our team...


Services Overview

Ability One Group specializes in delivering personal counseling world wide. Although we are a small group, thanks to modern technology, we can reach you by video phone (Skype) regardless of where you live. We also deliver our services in person here in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Our many different services are described in detail on this website. You may start reviewing them by looking at the navigation buttons on this page - or get a more thorough picture by reading Rolf's book DEEP Clearing  - see below. You can even read some sample chapters here. There is also a separate website for DEEP Clearing on https://DEEPclearing.org, where you can choose between English, Danish and German. Or you could browse through our Video Page.

You need not decide beforehand what is the exact right service for you. Usually we do a thorough interview when you first arrive. Based on your personal data and issues we make up a program that ensures optimum results and gains.

Our Workgroup

Video presentation by Rolf Dane




Rolf's DEEP Book

Second expanded edition


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