Scanning of
Scanning of Experiences is a light technique designed for clients
early in their processing. One can, for example, sift through the client's childhood
and discharge the area for harmful emotional content. This is initially done
like reviewing a video in fast-forward. The same can be done with more specific issues, such as school experiences, marriage or work history, living in a
certain place, etc. The whole chosen area is first inspected in bird's eye view.
Sticky points are then subject to closer inspection. In doing this with the Life
techniques, the client can
discharge and separate out unpleasant experiences, leave them behind and be allowed a
fresh start without that mental baggage.
Time per issue: 2-5 hours. |

Addressing Losses and Accidents
A beneficial technique is to address known accidents and losses
using Life Review on that particular incident. Due to the varied use of different
techniques it's relative fast and it is very effective in dealing with the
Physical trauma: one can address accidents, operations, sports injuries, giving birth, rape, violent
incidents and any other known event containing physical injury and erase its
effects on the mind and reduce its impact on the body. This leads to faster
recovery but does not replace medical treatment which always should be done when
needed and done
Losses: One can address loss of loved ones: to death, departure, divorce,
break-up, etc.
Other types of loss that routinely come up are: loss of property and money,
bankruptcy, being the victim of a non-violent crime, such as theft, fraud, etc.
Estimated Time:
3-5 hours per issue. |
Aches and Pains
Including "Medical Symptoms"
Inexplicable aches and pains, and even medical symptoms, can be
addressed with Life Review techniques. The interaction of spirit, mind, body is fully in
play here. By taking each pain or sensation contained in an overall condition,
one can methodically reduce and erase its impact and ill effects. This is not a
medical approach, nor is it a cure for illness. But it is an excellent supplement to a doctor's care. The
physician's approach holds the fort and fixes the physical damage. The Life
procedures find and erase the
spiritual and mental reasons it happened in the first place and get the client
completely out of the danger zone.
Another condition that often has been addressed with success in Life Review is
allergy. Allergies have a clear psychosomatic side that can be traced back to
traumatic incidents. Once found, they can be addressed and erased.
Estimated Time:
individual. Ask for estimate |
Emotional Issues,
"Stress" and "Depression"
Pure emotional content makes an excellent entry point in Life
Review. One
can, for example, locate a certain unwanted emotion or feeling connected to a
larger issue and take it up with Life Review techniques. This will eliminate the
unwanted feeling as an automatic
companion or response. One finds another unwanted feeling connected to the same
issue, addresses it and runs that out, etc. If you take all too common conditions as "stress"
or "feeling depressed," each of these conditions consists of
many single elements that first are isolated and then dealt with one by one.
The list of larger issues one can work on is endless: Performance in a field,
such as work, study, sports, sex. One can address an unpleasant environment, certain people, type of
situation, a pathological condition, etc. in this way. All such issues have an emotional side that can be
be analyzed for its elements and the elements addressed and erased one by one.
Estimated Time: individual. Ask for estimate |
Life Review Unleashed
In Life Review each incident contacted is exhausted for charge and
important details. This is done by using a
number of techniques of many available. Once that incident is fully explored
or "flat," one looks
typically for an earlier one with a similar content.
In advanced Life Review, such a chain of
incidents can be taken very far back. Not
only prior to this life, but prior to this planet and even further back. We end
up with addressing situations that are archetypical for the client.
addressing what we find, a whole host of negative issues will be shattered and
their underpinnings erased, all at the same time.
Besides the very real and
tangible issues related to emotions or body problems, any other issue
significant to the client has a history and a starting point. This can be traced
back, using the Life Review techniques.
One can broadly address a whole sphere of life, be it the sphere of sex or family life; one's
performance in groups; one's attitudes to a multitude of different groups; one's relationship and attitudes to mankind
and its many types of population; the relationship to
the animal kingdom and
plants, our planet, etc.
One can, for example, address large issues like
"global warming," "pollution," or "the financial crisis" and resolve aspects
related to oneself. In mysterious ways, this also helps change the general
attitude to such important problems. There is at some level a telepathic
connection between all forms of life.
Any such large or universal issue is fascinating to address and run for a
person who has had a long lasting interest therein. One is engaging in a broader
spiritual journey, going beyond this immediate life and existence. |
"Besides the very real and tangible issues related to emotions or
body problems, any other issue significant to the client has a
history and a starting point. This can be traced back, using the
Life Review
Life Review as Time Machine
Any such quest into the big issues is based on the client's individual history
and relationship to the chosen sphere of existence. If the client has a genuine
interest in a sphere, one will also find emotional charge and incidents to
address and run
related to that.
The client's personal history and experiences in any such sphere
are usually more dramatic than any Hollywood time machine movie. The engagement
is real and the incidents are having tangible effects on the client's present
life. This history and the experiences can be explored first-hand, using Life
Review as
a safe and reliable vehicle for traveling in time and space.
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