Newsletter 2018/1, "Time for Big Decisions" - presented by Ability One Group, Denmark

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Newsletter Service - 2018/1

See our short New Year's Message on Youtube - including its description



The Time for Big Decisions


Dear Friends,


Happy New Year!

The time for big decisions. When the big clock struck 12 at New Year's Eve it was time to make some big decisions.

We hope you made some good ones. Not only to lose weight, to stop smoking, to get that project done - but also decisions about your own development, bring more warmth into your relationships, and to put some joy in your life.


Decisions of that nature have a far greater importance in order to reach your life goals. They may take time and learning, be a life-long process. Yet they are very worthwhile to strive for. Use each day to get better at these human and spiritual skills and your life will be more interesting and each day will give you exciting tasks to complete, new challenges to overcome.


Whatever your new year's resolutions may be, you will probably also experience all kinds of counter-intentions, counter-emotions, concerns and old bad habits kicking in. This "clutter" may be coming from yourself or from others. It can make the goals very difficult to pursue or obtain. To overcome this, we can give the following recommendations:

1. Clearly write out your goals. Give it some thought and write them out on paper

    in a short and appealing form.

2. Post the goal or goals on the wall or stick them on as memos on your fridge.

3. Keep a diary where you reflect about how you did that day in relation to the goal or goals.

4. The very minimum would simply be to rate them on a scale from 0-10.


Zero would be no progress or a setback. Nine would be excellent performance and progress; and Ten would be reserved for that glorious day where you honestly can say that you achieved the goal - or at least hit the mark on a temporary level.


If you find this difficult we can also help you with getting the goals clearly stated and removing conflicting goals, counter-intentions and counter-impulses, etc. What we in daily language call "bad habits" in terms of thinking, feeling and doing. Watch our video DEEP Clearing in 5 Minutes or find another clip on our Video Page to learn more about DEEP Clearing.


Want to connect directly with someone from our team?

Rolf Dane
Senior Developer of DEEP Clearing

Per Schiøttz
DEEP Clearer; Workshop Leader

Heidrun Beer
DEEP Co-Developer; Clearer; Trainer

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